The Ontario Student Transcript


The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official document issued by public schools throughout Ontario as well as by Ministry-inspected private schools in Ontario such as Toronto International Oslife School (TIOS). The OST is a record of all secondary school courses and other OSSD requirements completed by a single student. This document is stored in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) and is retained for 55 years following the end of a student's high school education.

The OST will track and record:

  • -OSSD credits successfully earned;
  • -Unsuccessful course attempts in Grades 11 and 12;
  • -Withdrawals from Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses if the student progresses past the mid-term point;
  • -Repeated courses in Grades 11 and 12;
  • -Equivalent credits granted for schoolwork completed at institutions outside of Ontario (such as equivalent credits granted from schools abroad);
  • -Completion of the required 40 hours of Community Involvement;
  • -The successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy (OSSLT or OSSLC) requirement; and
  • -Any Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Certificate earned. 


TIOS will be responsible for keeping the OST updated for any student whose OSR resides at TIOS (full-time students). This official transcript can be released to a student and/or parent/guardian upon request as long as TIOS holds that student's OSR. Students requiring a copy of the OST from TIOS should contact


For students taking only one or two courses with TIOS but whose home school is elsewhere, a record of completed TIOS courses will have to be added to your official transcript. TIOS will forward a copy of an official final report card showing completion of a credit to your home school directly. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that home school personnel complete the task of adding these credits to your official transcript.


Further information about the Ontario Student Transcript can be found by clicking here .

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