What is Toronto International Oslife School?

TIOS is an Ontario Ministry of Education approved Online Secondary School that offers courses Grade 9 – 12 credit courses that can be used towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).  


How does the model of “online, asynchronous learning” work?

A student can register for any course at any time and work at their own pace. Each course contains instructional content that covers all the Ontario curriculum expectations and has been carefully designed by TIOS's content development team. All of our writers and developers are experienced, qualified teachers in their respective fields. There are interactive activities and multimedia elements throughout the content to engage students, provide opportunities to practise understanding and differentiate instruction. The assignments are submitted to the online Dropbox (mailbox) within the learning environment. Any tests or quizzes will be open-book, timed, and completed online. The final exam, where applicable, is also conducted online under the supervision of an appropriate proctor. The student will be responsible for selecting a proctor and submitting a Exam Proctoring Application to TIOS. The date, time, and location of the exam will be mutually agreed upon by the student and Proctor. Once the course is completed, TIOS will send official copies of the final report card to both the student's home address and their home school, where it can be added to the list of courses on their Ontario Student Transcript (OST).


Will these courses count towards my diploma or university application?

Yes. TIOS is inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education and is qualified to issue OSSD credits, which are the same credits earned by students in brick-and-mortar public schools and private schools in Ontario. Our Ministry BSID # is 665471.  Click here to verify that TIOS is fully certified by the Ontario Ministry of Education.


Can I take a course at TIOS?

Yes! Whether you live in the GTA, in other parts of Canada, in China or in other countries throughout the world, TIOS has courses for you! We will provide you with part-time courses while you are enrolled in another high school, or we can be your home school and you can take full-time high school courses with us. Because TIOS is wholly focused on the needs of students, we strive to provide you with the flexibility that allows you to excel. Our mission is to inspire academic excellence – and we're determined to do this for you!

Please note that permission from your home school of registration is not required. Toronto International Oslife School will communicate with your school when you register for a course with us. TIOS will also send a copy of your midterm report card to your school when you reach that point in the course. When you have finished the course, TIOS will send the final report card to your home school, where this course will be added to your ongoing Ontario Student Transcript (OST) in your Ontario Student Record (OSR). OSSD credits earned from TIOS are the same as those achieved at bricks-and-mortar schools in Ontario.


How long does a course take to complete?

Students proceed through their courses at their desired pace. There are no schedules for assigned classes – within some very broad guidelines, students decide when to start and finish the course to meet any personal deadlines they might have. Attendance is, however, tracked. Students have up to 6 months to complete their courses. Students choose when and how the coursework is completed. The course outline indicates that the course will take 110 hours and highlights the breakdown of each unit. Please keep in mind that the 110 hours reflect the number of hours a student may spend on the lessons and does not include additional time students may take to complete assignments or prepare for tests or examinations. At TIOS, we recognize that students learn at different paces, and therefore,our teachers do not track the amount of time students spend online working on their courses. The course grade is based on the students' completion of the lessons and assessments.


What are the tuition fees?

Our tuition fees include all costs associated with the course. While there are no required textbooks in the courses that add to the cost of tuition, many courses have recommended texts for “extra practice” or extra selection options (see #1 below). Click here to view our fee structures at TIOS.  Be sure to contact us to inquire about course availability.  

* Students may be choose to borrow or purchase novels for English courses when given the option or selecting an alternate novel. In Canada, copies are readily available from used bookstores and libraries and sometimes online.
** At TIOS, students, are considered Canadian students if they are Canadian citizens hold a Permanent Resident status.
*** At TIOS, students are considered international students if they are not Canadian citizens nor Permanent Residents. If you are registering from an address outside of Canada and are (1) a Canadian Citizen , (2) a Permanent Resident or (3) are attending a Canadian International School that studies the Ontario curriculum, please be sure to contact our office before proceeding to register to ensure the appropriate course fee is applied.


Are there additional costs for me besides tuition?

TIOS has very few additional costs. For the vast majority of our students, the tuition fee is the only fee they pay to TIOS. Additional fees may apply in the following circumstances:

  • OSSLT: If a student wishes to the take at the Ontario Secondary School Literacy (OSSLT) at the TIOS Administrative Office located in Toronto, a fee will apply.  Should a student wish to the take the OSSLT through TIOS at an alternative location, this is also possible.  Click here to view a full list of fees that apply.
  • - Additional costs may also apply if a student transfers their OSR to TIOS and TIOS becomes the student's home school, or if TIOS is required to create a new OSR. Such costs include the following: 
  • Equivalent Credit Assessments: TIOS can assess any student transcripts from outside Ontario to determine equivalent credits and assess the starting point for courses at TIOS.  Equivalent credits can be granted and these credits will apply to the OSSD requirements.  The fee for an Equivalent Credit Assessment can be found  here.  The assessment will determine how many courses the student needs to complete the OSSD. The student will need to register for a course within six months from the assessment date for the assessment to remain valid. TIOS will enter the equivalent credits on the student's transcript once they have earned one credit at TIOS.
  • OUAC: An OUAC account can be created for any student whose OSR is hosted by TIOS.  TIOS will maintain the OUAC account throughout that school year.  The Fee for managing the account and applications to three post-secondary institutions can be found here.  TIOS can also communicate directly with post-secondary institutions, rather than OUAC if needed. If a document is requested to be sent to more than three post-secondary institutions directly, a small fee will apply. Additional fees will also apply if a student requires information to be couriered through courier services such as FedEx to any institution. TIOS can also communicate with OUAC and post-secondary institutions for students whose OSR is not held at TIOS. There is no fee for communicating with OUAC and up to three institutions. Beyond three institutions, the fees identified above apply.


Will TIOS communicate with my school throughout my course?

TIOS will inform the student's home school when they register for a course, when the midpoint has been reached, and when the course has been completed. A midterm report card and final report card will both be sent to the home school. The OSSD credit earned at TIOS will then be added to the student's list of credits, maintained by the home school on an Ontario Student Transcript (OST).


Do universities and colleges recognize the credits?

Students earn OSSD credits at TIOS, which are the same credits that a student would earn in a bricks-and-mortar school in Ontario. As a result, these credits will not be viewed any differently by post-secondary institutions. Asynchronous online courses demand that students be motivated, goal-orientated, and independent—all of which are essential for student success in post-secondary settings.

Universities also offer many online courses and whole programs—they know the value of quality online courses. We recommend contacting any potential post-secondary institutions directly to inquire about their admissions policies. 


When can I enrol in a course at TIOS?

TIOS has continuous intake, which means students may register on any day of the year. Typically, students will be able to begin courses within 24 hours of registration. Registrations that occur on holidays will be enrolled on the next day.


How do I register?

Registration at TIOS is quick and easy.  We believe in the person touch, so students can simply click here to begin the registration process and a member of our staff will be in touch with you!


What happens after I register?

Once the registration process is complete, students will receive an initial email confirming their registration and payment.  The email will refer students to the Digital Citizenship Policy which must be reviewed and signed prior to starting any TIOS course.  A second email will be sent with the student's username and a password link.  Typically, this email is received within 24 hours of return of the Digital Citizenship Policy.  


What support will I have throughout the course?

Each student has a certified teacher throughout their course.


Who will be my teacher?

At TIOS, students will be assigned a certified, highly skilled teacher. Students will have the same teacher throughout the entire course and will be able to communicate with the teacher via the TIOS email system. 


What is my teacher's role throughout my course?

Your teacher is there to answer questions, provide feedback, and grade assessments. Your TIOS teacher should be the first person you contact with any questions or concerns about your course or course content.


How long does it take for assessments to be graded?

Timely and meaningful feedback is essential to the success of the student. The majority of departments at TIOS follow a standard of providing feedback and grading within five days. Some departments with larger writing components, notably English and Social Sciences, may allow up to 7 days for graded assessments. Teachers will clarify specific expectations when students enrol.


Do I have to wait until an assignment is graded before I can move forward in the course?

No. You can continue working through your lessons at your own pace; however, we recommend waiting for your teacher's feedback before submitting more assignments so that you can use the feedback to improve on future coursework.


How do I communicate with my teacher?

You will communicate with your teacher primarily through email within the learning environment. However, other communication modes, such as telephone or video conferencing, may be arranged upon request and at the teacher's discretion. TIOS teachers log in daily to respond to emails and address inquiries .


What happens after I earn a credit with TIOS?

Once TIOS receives the teacher's final report, our records department will process this information and mail an official copy to the home address we have on file. We will also fax and mail a copy to the student's home school. TIOS can also communicate with a post -secondary institution or send the report to OUAC/OCAS at the student's request.


Do I need to be able to speak and write in English?

All courses at TIOS are delivered in English. Proficiency in English is a requirement of all students who take courses with TIOS. Students may be required to complete the English Language Placement Assessment to determine their English language competency level.


I am an English Language Learner (ELL). How can TIOS accommodate this?

Our teachers are professionally trained on ways to best support ELLs to provide all students with the support they need to be successful. Additionally, helpful tips and strategies are provided within ESL courses if they have difficulty learning English.

The programs of study offered by TIOS is flexible to accommodate the needs of students who require instruction in English as a second language or English literacy development. Teachers of all subjects are responsible for helping students develop their abilities to use English. 


I do not live in Ontario, Canada. Can I still take courses with TIOS?

Yes, TIOS welcomes students living anywhere in the world. All that you will need to complete your course is a computer and an internet connection.

How will OUAC/OCAS or the university know that I am taking a course with TIOS?

When a student enrols or reaches midterm or the final point in a course, TIOS can send that information to OUAC, OCAS, and/or to any post-secondary institution upon the student's request. Once TIOS has the student's request on file, any future updates on the student's progress (ie midterm or final report cards) will be forwarded accordingly. However, it is always beneficial to double-check that the grade has been updated when you reach the course's midterm or final point.


How does the final exam work?

Many courses at TIOS do not include final examinations. Instead, students are required to complete a final Culminating Activity that demonstrates mastery of the concepts taught throughout the course.

When a final examination is included as part of the 30% final assessment, it will be a closed-book exam and completed online under an appropriate proctor's supervision. Students must arrange a proctor according to the following guidelines:

  • - The student may select a proctor to meet with in-person to supervise the exam. The student must apply to write the final exam a minimum of two weeks before the proposed exam date by submitting a Exam Proctoring Application  to the TIOS Administrative Assistant. In order to be approved, any in-person exam proctor must meet all of the following criteria:
  • - Must not be related to the student in any way;
  • - Must not be a student at any level of study;
  • - Must not be a tutor;
  • - Must have a university degree or college designation;
  • - Must have a valid, non-generic business email address provided by the Proctor's current place of work
  • - If the Proctor is approved, both the Proctor and student will be provided with detailed exam instructions via email. The approved Proctor and student may then proceed with the final exam as scheduled. Once the exam has been written, the Proctor must sign the Exam Proctoring Memorandum provided by the Principal to verify that all procedures were properly followed. This document must be returned to TIOS promptly once the exam is completed.  A student's final grade is not released until this document has been submitted.
  • - If a student chooses a proctor who charges a fee for their services, the student is responsible for those or any other expenses.


What is a prerequisite course? Do I have to complete this course before I register?

A prerequisite course is one that a student must complete before taking the subject's next level. The Ministry of Education outlines prerequisite requirements to ensure that students are properly prepared to take a course at the next level. For example, a student must complete SCH3U before taking SCH4U to ensure that the student can succeed in the higher-level course. Students can find out more information on required prerequisites by viewing the Course Outline for the courses they are hoping to take. A student may enrol in a course without providing prerequisite evidence, but they will not have access to all of the course content until this evidence is demonstrated to TIOS. 

Depending on the student's experience, it is also possible that a prerequisite requirement can be waived, but this is done at the discretion of the TIOS Principal. It is the student's responsibility to obtain and send TIOS a copy of their Ontario Student Transcript (OST) , report card, or credit counselling summary. Such documents prove to TIOS that the student has achieved the prerequisite for the course. In the event that a student or parent requests that a prerequisite be waived, the TIOS Principal will determine whether or not the prerequisite should be waived based upon the student's educational level, experience, or maturity. If a student has taken a similar course in a different province or country, it is possible that the prerequisite could be waived as determined by course equivalency standards. A  Prerequisite Waiver Request must be completed for it to be considered.

When students register for TIOS courses, they will be required to submit a copy of an Ontario Student Transcript (OST), final report card, or credit counselling summary to show that they have completed the prerequisite course, if applicable. Scanned electronic copies of these documents are acceptable; however, screenshots of online portals from other schools, the OUAC/OCAS, Career Cruising, or the like, cannot be accepted as prerequisite evidence.


What is a Prerequisite Waiver?

Students who have not completed exact prerequisites may be eligible for a prerequisite waiver. In such instances, the student may be a mature student, homeschooled, have completed similar courses in another province or country, or have relevant education or life experience beyond secondary school.

Students wishing to apply to have a prerequisite waived should complete a Prerequisite Waiver Request and return it, along with all supporting documentation, to the appropriate TIOS staff member. The Prerequisite Waiver Application should be completed before registering for a course.

The Ontario Ministry of Education clearly articulates prerequisites for each course. Students can consult these Ministry prerequisites by clicking here.


As a student outside Canada do I need a study permit?

An international student does not require a study permit in order to take online courses at TIOS. However, if you plan to physically enter Canada in order to study, you may need a specific visa or permit. Please contact Citizenship & Immigration Canada for more information on entrance and residency permits and visas.


What is the Ontario Student Record (OSR)?

The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the record of a student's educational progress through schools in Ontario. The Education Act requires that the Principal of a school collect information "for inclusion in a record in respect of each pupil enrolled in the school and to establish , maintain, retain, transfer and dispose of the record." The act also regulates access to an OSR and states that the OSR is "privileged for the information and use of supervisory officers and the Principal and teachers of the school for the improvement of instruction" of the student. Each student and the parent(s) of a student who is not an adult (that is, a student who is under the age of eighteen) must be made aware of the purpose and content of, and have access to, all of the information contained in the OSR. To establish the OSR, TIOS is required to collect information through the registration process.


How do I receive my grades?

All assessment and evaluation practices will be determined by the Assessment and Evaluation Policy published by the Ministry of Education – Growing Success: Assessment and Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario's Schools .

TIOS issues an official Ontario Secondary School Report Card when a student reaches the midterm point of a course and again upon course completion. One copy will be sent directly to the school holding the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) to be added to the record and the Ontario Student Transcript (OST). An electronic copy will be forwarded to the student.

The report card provides a percentage grade, which reflects the corresponding level outlined in the achievement chart for the subject area. A student successfully earns the credit when a final grade of 50% or higher is earned.

The final grade for each course in Grades 9–12 will be determined through the completion of both course work and a final evaluation. Course work and assessments will make up 70% of the final grade. This portion of the grade should reflect the student's most consistent level of achievement. However, special consideration can be given to more recent evidence of achievement. The remaining 30% of the final grade will be based on a final evaluation delivered as an examination or suitable culminating assessment.

The report card also provides a record of the learning skills demonstrated by a student in each course. Learning skills will be assessed in the following six categories: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, and Self-Regulation. These learning skills are evaluated using a four-point scale (E–Excellent, G–Good, S–Satisfactory, N–Needs Improvement). The report card includes the teacher's comments on what a student has learned, their significant strengths, and the next steps for improvement . The report may also include the principal's comments on a student's performance.


How do I use the Dropbox feature in my course in order to submit my work to the teacher?

Accessing Dropbox

You can access Dropbox links a few ways but here is one option available to you from each Unit’s first page

For most lessons/activities there is an Activity or Lesson  (eg Rates of Change) AND a Dropbox section (Rates of Change Dropbox). To submit to dropbox click on Rates of Change Dropbox

This will take you to this page:

Navigate to the very bottom of this page and click “Add Submission” and a page appears that has a spot where you can drop or upload a file.

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