We know that TIOS students rely almost exclusively on technology in their day-to-day lives. Mobile telephones have become an irreplaceable part of our daily lives… we just cannot function without them. We use them to communicate, to research, to relax, to order, to direct us---they are much more than just a telephone, and this is particularly true for young people.
More and more, TIOS students tell us that they want-they need-their learning experiences in school to reflect this. Students want to take the technology they use in their daily lives and integrate it with how they learn. This is only natural – It is how we live in the 21st Century.
The use of technology as a tool in classrooms has been shown to have a positive academic impact on research skills, and on student engagement and achievement. Courses at TIOS, by definition, fully incorporate digital resources. This is how our courses are designed.
It is important to note, however, that technology is used as a tool in TIOS classrooms. But its not the only tool that your teachers will use. Other tools used include the traditional paper and pen, a calculator, scientific equipment, etc. In other words, there's a right time and place for every instructional moment.
TIOS students live and work in a world where people use their devices 24/7. At TIOS, we teach our students how to use technology effectively and respectfully. Digital responsibility is an important part of what we help students learn in school, and that’s why TIOS students and parents are required to read, understand and signoff on a Digital Citizenship Policy at the school. Appropriate use of technology as a tool – just like appropriate use of any other tool – will ensure that students and teachers alike function in an environment that is respectful and productive … and safe!
The Peel District School has developed a groundbreaking policy entitled Empowering Modern Learners that guides the appropriate use of technology in classrooms in Peel schools. For more information about Empowering Modern Learners, Peel has developed a short video as well as other print resources .
TIOS teachers have reviewed Peel's EML initiative and all of our courses integrate this philosophy into the delivery of our programs.