All TIOS students are required to read the following Digital Citizenship Policy and agree to abide by these rules and principles. Students are also asked to share this document with parents/guardians.
- I will treat others the way I wish to be treated when I use technology. I understand that my language and actions while using technology affect others. I will be accountable for my online behaviour. I will not use my technology in a manner that is unlawful, unethical, unkind, or immoral.
- I will not respond to any messages that are mean, threatening, or in any way make me or others feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message that is not appropriate. I will report any situations that resemble this behaviour immediately to a responsible adult.
- I will be open and honest with my parents and my school about my online friends and activities. Mutual trust and openness with parents and school staff is essential in ensuring proper usage at all times.
- I will not use electronic devices belonging to other students nor will I lend my electronic device to other students. Each student is accountable for the activities that their own personal devices are used for in addition to the activities in which they are personally engaged.
- I will remember that I need to balance technology use with other activities.
- I will protect my personal information and that of my family and schoolmates. I will not do anything to jeopardize our safety and privacy. This includes not posting full names, school name, addresses, phone numbers, emails, or any information that would indicate specific people, times and places. It also means that I will not photograph or audio and/or video record teachers or students while at school or on virtual school calls or meetings without their expressed permission.
- I am personally accountable for the technology that I bring and or use at school and the passwords that I use to gain access to technology and applications. I will not share my technology or passwords with other students, nor will I use the technology and passwords of other students or staff members.
- I recognize that by law my parents and school administration have the authority to access all information and applications used on all electronic devices that I use at the school. If TIOS staff have reasonable grounds to believe that an electronic device contains evidence pertaining to a breach of the Student’s Student Behaviour and Conduct Policy and/or the School Behaviour Policy, it is the expectation that students make available to school administration the unaltered contents of the permanent and/or removable memory of their cellular phone or electronic device. Failure to make the contents available can be considered willful disobedience and is grounds for disciplinary action.
- I understand that some material online is protected and cannot be copied without permission. I understand that this material is owned by others and that they have the right to be protected.
- I understand that information found online may not be accurate and should always be verified using multiple trusted sources.
- I will only view material at school that I would feel comfortable viewing with my teacher or parents. I will tell a responsible adult immediately if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable or that is inappropriate.
- I will check with my parents or teachers before downloading or installing software or hardware. I recognize that these actions may be harmful to the computer or portable device.
I have read, am aware of, and will abide by all the acceptable use requirements set forth in this agreement. I agree that if I fail to keep my commitment to doing those things listed above that I will be subject to the consequences of breaching this policy as explained in this document which may include (but is not limited to) temporary loss of technology privileges or removal from the online course. I understand that there may be other disciplinary consequences if there has been a breach of school rules and a search of the electronic device reveals this breach. I further understand that by clicking “I agree”, I have acknowledged and accepted this policy as binding.
Further, I have reviewed this document with my parent(s)/guardian(s) who fully understand and accept the policy as binding. My parent(s)/guardian(s) fully understand and accept the consequences of not upholding my student responsibilities which may include (but is not limited to) temporary loss of technology privileges or removal from the online course. My parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that there may be other disciplinary consequences if there has been a breach of school rules and a search of the electronic device reveals this breach.