The TIOS Advantage
Ministry of Education (Ontario) Approved
Toronto International Oslife School (TIOS), BSID #665471, is a private Ontario online secondary school that offers students worldwide the opportunity to receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). (make this a link which would take them to the OSSD page) TIOS has passed the Ministry of Education of Ontario's inspection process and therefore can grant credits towards the OSSD.
Universities and Colleges recognize TIOS credits
Both colleges and universities will accept all credits granted through TIOS. Students earn OSSD credits at TIOS, which are the same credits that a student would earn in a bricks-and-mortar school in Ontario. As a result, these credits will not be viewed any differently by post-secondary institutions. Asynchronous online courses demand that students be motivated, goal-orientated, and independent—all of which are essential for student success in post-secondary settings.
Comprehensive Online Learning Experience
TIOS offers fully online, highly interactive high school courses that have been developed with the educational needs of the student at the forefront. Each course's content follows its designated curriculum guideline and has been developed by teachers who are experts within their professional disciplines. Our course content covers everything that bricks-and-mortar school courses cover, except that our courses are delivered virtually. All of our courses are password-protected, ensuring a secure and safe environment for the students. Within this environment, we have created an innovative and comprehensive set of customizable online learning tools to assist students in their learning. Any online learning environment requires diverse course content. With this in mind,TIOS offers many features designed to engage students in a stimulating learning environment.
Our self-directed learning environment affords students the ability to work at their own pace. Highly motivated students can work through course material quickly which can accelerate their educational experiences.
Academic Integrity
We maintain the highest academic standards for education in Ontario and have a firm commitment to academic integrity and honesty.
Fully Qualified, Caring Teachers
All students are unique. At TIOS, we prioritize recognizing our students’ unique needs and delivering online programs that respond effectively to those needs. TIOS provides certified and highly skilled teachers to mentor students and to facilitate course material. Students will have the same teacher and will communicate primarily through email within the learning environment. However, other communication modes, such as telephone or video conferencing, may be arranged upon request and at the teacher's discretion.
Course Materials Online
All online course content and assessments exist within our secure learning environment. Optional textbooks for extra practice to solidify concepts are sometimes suggested but not required. English courses often recommend alternative novels and readings which may capture the student’s interest and make the material more meaningful to the student. The cost of securing these optional materials is the responsibility of the student.
Guidance Services
TIOS provides guidance services (make this a link which would take them to the Guidance page) and will communicate with the student's home school to ensure that they have your registration information and receive report cards so your grades can be entered on the student's transcript . If TIOS is the student's home school the guidance staff will house the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) and will communicate with OUAC, OCAS or any other applicable post-secondary institution.
Continuous Registration Intake
TIOS has continuous intake, which means students may register on any day of the year.
Diverse Courses
TIOS offers OSSD and AP courses and students can apply to the world' s top universities. Many graduates have been admitted to QS World Top 30 institutions such as the University of Toronto, National University of Singapore, the University of Melbourne, the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) , the University of Hong Kong , McGill University, etc..
TIOS is not only an SAT Test Centre , IELTS Test Centre and the Accreditation Centre for English Language Proficiency Assessment for the University of Auckland International College , but also an Advanced Placement Exam Site. Among all private schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), TIOS is one of only four authorized providers.
Current courses include:
Featured Programs
TIOS has established a strong partnership with the Peel District School Board and a number of top schools in Canada, ensuring that we meet the diverse needs of students, explore students' strengths and characters and provide students with different pathways for further study.
The current featured cooperation projects include:
Personlized Academic Support Service