Welcome to Toronto International Oslife School (TIOS)! With thousands of private schools throughout Canada, we are very happy that you have decided to join an elite group of TIOS students who recognize the excellence of our school’s support for students. In everything we do here at TIOS, we strive to live our mission statement by inspiring academic excellence in all course offerings that prepare students for university admission and by ensuring that parents have strong confidence in the support that we provide to all students.
TIOS was founded by a consortium of educators who bring 75+ years of experience in publicly funded education in the Toronto area. As former teachers, Principals and school board leaders, we fully understand the diverse learning needs of students – both those in Ontario who wish to enhance their public-school credit school profiles and those living abroad who strive to attend high school or university here in Canada. At TIOS, we have something for each of you - - - and we are very proud of the achievement of our students!
TIOS is a fully inspected private school in the Province of Ontario and is eligible to offer certified secondary school credits using the BSID #665471. Our courses were developed and are taught by Ontario certified teachers, most of whom are registered at the Ontario College of Teachers. Courses are offered in a wide variety of subject areas including English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, English and Social Science along with optional subjects to satisfy the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). All of our courses stringently follow the curricular requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education. At TIOS, we offer both in-person and online programs serving a diverse student population.
In-person programming
Online learning opportunities
Enhanced learning opportunities
TIOS offers fully certified Advanced Placement (AP) programs to both in-person and online students living in Canada and abroad. AP courses enable students to pursue university-level studies while still a student at TIOS. We offer AP courses in Mathematics, Science and English. Students are required to write a rigourous final examination in each of their AP choices. According to The Princeton Review, the benefits of taking AP courses include:
TIOS is an IELTS Centre of Instruction and Testing. Our IELTS teachers are experts in helping students improve English skills in preparation for the IELTS exam in order to attain the required levels for university admission in Ontario and beyond. Our on-site IELTS Testing Centre allows students easy access to these exams.
Toronto International Oslife School (BSID #665471) is a private secondary school that offers students worldwide the opportunity to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) regardless of where you live – Canada or abroad. TIOS is located in Mississauga, right next door to Canada’s largest and most diverse city. As a full-service in-person and online school, we support students from all corners of the world … we are Canada based but globally oriented. We offer fully certified Ontario high school courses. We are a Ministry-inspected school that offers credits upon completion of 110-hour courses that follow the Ontario curriculum. Upon completion, these credits can be either transferred to the student’s home school or can count towards the completion of the OSSD here at TIOS. In the latter instance, the student’s Ontario School Record (OSR) is safely and securely stored in our Mississauga office.
We look forward to welcoming you as a student here at Toronto International Oslife School and we commit to inspiring academic excellence for students and strong confidence for parents!